Saturday, October 27, 2007

Atheists Are Boring

Yesterday, I got Bodies of Water's new CD in the mail. On their website, they link to this William Bowers piece from Village Voice. I'm feeling it.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

This is what Philly needs:

If there was ever a city that could use an event promoting lawfulness, it's this one.


In San Francisco, a splinter event known as "Critical Manners," was created as a response to Critical Mass. Critical Manners rides through the city on the second Friday of the month, but in contrast with Critical Mass, the riders obey all traffic laws, such as stopping at red lights and signaling.

There are also conversations about starting Critical Manners in Portland, Oregon.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Just Watched....

_Bram Stoker's Dracula_. Ok, I watched the first third. Winona Ryder and Keanu Reeves were always caricatures, but this film must be worse in hindsight than it was when it won a bunch of Oscars. It replaces the sexual tension of the novel with pornographic spectacle. If you're looking for an engrossing period-piece a la _Barry Lyndon_, you've come to the wrong place. BSD is the monument to FF Coppola's cinematic arrogance because, after all, _Apocolypse Now_ actually works on its own terms. I laughed out loud at Ryder's and Reeves' first scene. I had to stop watching when I came to suspect that the entire thing was an intentional joke. I suspect all those critics in the early 90s praised it because they knew it was intended as an expensive, elaborate "look-how-far-we've-come-as-a-society" pie in the face of decadent Victorian morality. I get it, too, but it's just not funny anymore, if it ever was. Maybe in another hundred years, we'll rediscover artistic subtlety. One star.